ISPS Code/MTSA Compliance
HudsonAnalytix conducts Ship Security Assessments (SSAs) and develops Ship Security Plans (SSPs) in compliance with the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code.
Hudson’s SSAs involve an On-scene Security Survey (OSS) and a report that includes the a current AVRA™ calculation, and marked General Arrangement plan. Per ISPS Code, individual assessments are performed onboard each vessel, forming the basis for the ship security plan. The process addresses factors to be protected, identifies strengths/weaknesses, and develops risk reduction measures.

Accepted by over forty Flag Administrations, HudsonAnalytix's plans ensure approval, with dedicated support for the review and submission process.
Post-approval, Hudson offers plan revision services for regulatory or client-requested changes, demonstrating a commitment to maritime security and adaptability to evolving requirements.